Governor Cooper announces 60 confirmed coronavirus cases at a nursing facility in Orange County, N.C.
The state has more than 3,400 coronavirus cases and has reported 58 deaths.
Statewide, 42,987 tests have been completed and 386 people are hospitalized.
North Carolina has 240 National Guard airmen and soldiers working a variety of missions, including planning, warehousing, and shipping, cyber-security, and engineering. The costs of activating National Guard resources to support our state’s COVID-19 response will be covered by the federal government, officials announced.
North Carolina received a shipment of 200,000 N-95 masks Wednesday. The limited supply of personal protective equipment is being sent in small, short-term quantities for the most urgent needs around the state, officials said.
North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper says he is likely to issue a statewide order Thursday limiting the number of people, including both staffers and shoppers, in a store at the same time.