Hospice of Davidson County: The Brave Hearts Support Group

Hosted on the agency’s campus, the evening sessions are free of charge and activities may include stories, crafts, interactive activities and discussions led by a licensed professional counselor associate.

For preteens, the Brave Hearts Support Group gives kids a chance to tell their story and listen to others who have also experienced loss. This group will meet on Thursday, Aug. 16 from 5:30 – 7 p.m.

Open-Heart Grief programs are open to all members of the community, regardless of whether or not a family member utilized Hospice of Davidson County’s services to care for their loved one.

“As a child, the trauma of losing a loved one can be overwhelming to say the least,” said Lesia Lancaster Hospice of Davidson County grief counselor. “Confusion, insecurity, depression, anger, and loneliness are just a few of the emotions children often face.

“It is our mission to extend this support and serve as a resource for end-of-life issues to the entire Davidson County community. This includes grief support and counseling following a loss. The grief process is very personal and can be particularly impactful on the smallest members of our community: children and youth,” added Lancaster.

Pre-registration for the free Open-Heart Grief programs is required and can be completed at hospiceofdavidson.org or by calling (336) 475-5444.

In 2017, Hospice of Davidson County made more than 3,200 connections with bereaved members of the community. Other grief support services include individualized or group grief counseling sessions in the home or at Hospice of Davidson County, grief mailings to aid in the healing process, annual remembrance services, and many more support services.

For more information on the Open-Heart Grief programs visit, hospiceofdavidson.org, Facebook, or call (336) 475-5444

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