It's always really cute when parents let children get involved in their wedding, but 10-year-old Jaydon Rabatin defied even his dad's biggest expectations.
Jaydon's dad Kevin picked him for the honor of being the best man at his wedding earlier this month. Jaydon was nearby as his new stepmom Briana and his dad said their "I dos" in front of their 65 guests. But the couple from Wilmington, Delaware had no idea what Jaydon was planning for the reception.
Of course, the 10-year-old was expected to deliver the traditional best man speech. But before he was handed the microphone, Kevin had no idea what was in store. It turns out the youngster had spent days practicing a hilarious speech.
“The day has come that this man is getting married," he began. "I’m not too sure how I feel about it. Don’t get me wrong. I love Brie. Isn’t she the most beautiful bride? But this means I’m losing my bachelor buddy. We go waaaaay back. It’s like I have known him since the first breath I took.”
The crowd was already delighted, but Jaydon had even more in store for them.
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