Join us for this free experience on May 8 from 11 a.m. to noon from the comfort of your home as we come “together” for an hour celebrating sisterhood with a fun Purse-onality Auction, heART activities, and so much more! Whether you are in the same house or states away, you can invite your grandmother, mother, daughters, friends, neighbors and co-workers to celebrate with you! Simply email to “reserve your seat” in our Zoom event and be ready to jump on your computer and your phone to join in fun! Join our Facebook Event Page for all the details and the latest updates! Plan to wear your red and we’ll share photos that day with #GuilfordGoRed.
With lead sponsors Encompass Health and Cone Health, the American Heart Association’s Virtual Guilford Go Red for Women Experience is about saving generations of women, of all ages, all ethnicities and all walks of life from all around the country, from heart disease - the No. 1 killer of women. Together, we can do anything!
Learn more HERE
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