That concludes the Mix Match Game! Congratulations to all our winners, including:
David P. from Winston-Salem on matching numbers and winning a Nintendo Switch!
Mary Pat V. of Winston-Salem on matching numbers and winning $200!
Julie M of Jamestown on matching numbers and winning car washes for a year at Autobell!
Julie of Burlington on matching numbers and winning $100 to Ruth Chris
Curby of Lexington on matching numbers and winning $300
Glenda from Greensboro on matching numbers and winning a $200 Gift Card to the Chophouse
Julie L from Colfax on matching numbers and winning $500
Penny from Burlington on matching numbers and winning 2 Columbia Jackets
Tracey M of Danville on matching numbers and winning Nintendo Switch
Beverly T of Sanford on matching and winning $100.00 to Subway
Angela K from Graham on matching and winning the $200 Spring Cleaning
Royalyn Thomas from Greensboro on matching and winning the Greensboro Science Center Passes
Steve T of Oak Ridge on matching and winning a $200 gift card to Dewey’s Bakery
Beth S of Walnut Cove on matching and winning a $100 gift card to Mayberry’s
Barbara from Burlington on matching and winning a Big Screen TV
Al V. of Winston Salem on matching and winning $100 to the Chop House restaurant
Kimberly G from Kernersville on matching and winning the Seahorse Salon and Spa Gift Card
David N of High Point on matching and winning the Visa gift card worth $400.00
James C on matching and winning the $100 visa gift card
Mary from Lexington on matching and winning the Hams Restaurant Gift Card
Thanks to everyone for listening and playing along!