
Greensboro, NC 📍 Puck needs our help 🥺💙 He’s been at the shelter for over 2 months and really needs to find a home.

Puck is an energetic 3 year old 72 lb male American Pit Bull Terrier. He came to Guilford County Animal Services as a stray on 6/25/20, so they do not have any background history on him. Shelter staff notes that he is a friendly and happy boy who may thrive best in a home with no other dogs. He is heartworm positive. This is a curable condition, and he cannot transmit it to other animals. He is eligible for the Have-A-Heart program, which includes a 30% off voucher for heartworm treatment.

All adopted cats and dogs at Guilford County Animal Services come fully up to date on age appropriate vaccines. If you are interested in meeting any of our pets, please contact them at 336-641-3400 to set up an appointment.

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