4th Annual Matty-Brenner Memorial Golf Tournament

On Friday, October 18, 2019, the North Carolina Department of Public Safety, Division III Community Corrections will be hosting the 4th Annual Matty-Brenner Memorial Golf Tournament at The Revival at Crescent in Salisbury, NC.

Proceeds from this event will be donated to the Correctional Peace Officers Foundation (CPOF).

CPOF is a National non-profit organization whose primary function is to preserve and support the surviving families of correctional and probation officers who lose their lives in the pursuit of their chosen profession of protecting the public from those remanded to correctional custody and supervision. All golfers at the event will receive a participant bag with coupons, discounts, and small gifts. We are also planning to give away door prize items to our golfers and hold a silent auction.

Visit our website at https://mattybrenner.wixsite.com/tournament or our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/MattyBrennerMemorial/

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