National Society of Black Engineers: Fall Regional Conference

“Ignite. Imagine. Innovate.” - NSBE Members Ready to Use Conference as Stepping Stone for Annual Convention

 Fall Regional Conference (FRC) provides members with the opportunity to truly live out the mission of the National Society of Black Engineers: “to increase the number of culturally responsible Black Engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally and positively impact the community.” From guest speaker workshops, to a career fair comprised of industry-leading companies, to community service opportunities as well as a host of friendly competitions, there is something for each and every pre-collegiate,collegiate, and professional member in attendance. Themed “#R2FRC: Ignite. Imagine.Innovate.” , the conference is meant to serve as a precursor to the distinguished 44th Annual Convention, also taking place in Region II.

FRC Conference Chairperson, Jaia Greene, prescribes the vision of the conference being“culturally relevant while showing the membership that they are the student-led movement that NSBE needs in order to thrive.” To further NSBE’s ongoing strategic goal to have the U.S.produce 10,000 African-American bachelor’s degree recipients in engineering annually, by 2025– attendees will participate in a variety of activities geared towards bettering themselves academically, professionally, and culturally. Participants will have the chance to focus on personal branding, showcase technical and creative strengths, as well as navigate the multitude of networking opportunities. Region II Chairperson, Nikki Gordon, states: “Fall Regional Conference is an opportunity for all membership demographics to come together in fellowship before Annual Convention in March. This year we will offer excellent programming that focuses on academic excellence, technical skills development, and community engagement. In addition,we have opportunities to highlight the unique skill set members of our society possess throughour competitions and employment opportunities at our career fair.”

Jaia Greene’s message to attendees is that “this conference is an opportunity to shape the future of the Society. Our hope is that you will find the answer to the question: How can NSBE be used as both a resource and a student-led movement? When the conference has ended, we hope that we will have ignited a passion for NSBE, the membership leaves knowing the resources that NSBE provides, and can imagine a world where innovation leads change. We want you all to be inspired to join this student-led movement.”

About NSBE

NSBE is a non-profit, student-run organization, whose mission is “to increase the number of culturally responsible Black Engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally and positively impact the community.” Founded at Purdue University in 1975, NSBE has strived to develop exemplary engineers through a variety of programs and initiatives geared towards academic excellence, professional development, and community service. Through its continual efforts, NSBE has evolved in its function, serving as a recruitment hub for institutions of highe rlearning, creating partnerships with top STEM companies, and expanding its membership far beyond the collegiate audience. Since its founding, NSBE has become one of the largest student-run organizations in the country, functioning with a membership ranging from elementary school kids, to engineering professionals, and everyone in between.

Contact Us

 For more information about the National Society of Black Engineers or the Fall Regiona lConference, please visit the FRC website at , visit the Regional website at, or email Jessica Daniels at .

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