FREE shred event by the BBB Education Foundation of Central & Northwest NC

Here are the details of the FREE shred event by the BBB Education Foundation of Central & Northwest NC:

• Saturday, October 16, 2021 9 am - Noon

• Winston-Salem Fairgrounds, Enter at Gate 9 at 421 W 27th Street.


We'll shred:

o tax documents

o credit card offers, mail from insurance companies and lenders, even mail from associations like AARP - include the return envelope

o credit card bills and statements

o prescription information sheets

o explanation of benefits

o any kind of bills

o checks

o online purchase documents with your bank account or billing information

o documents with your full name and dob

o documents with your full name, address and home or work phone numbers

o personal property and real property tax statements or bills

o utility accounts, cell phone and Internet bills

• We won't shred:

o newspapers

o phone books

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